
St. Bonaventure University

Accounting Program

We're a 2020 Best Value, with a No. 在College Factual的纽约最佳会计学院排行榜上排名第五.

通过创新课程的结合,平衡分析思维和创造力, one-to-one interaction with faculty, attractive internships, 并有机会在五年或更短的时间内获得会计学士学位和专业会计工商管理硕士学位, SBU会计专业的毕业生有能力取得专业上的成功.

Demand for accountants is a steady climb, faster than the average for all occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That means there will be job for you when you graduate.

98% of our students have a job offer before they graduate.

Grasp the Opportunity

Accounting major and rugby player Patrick Hogan says choosing St. 博纳旺蒂尔是他做过的最好的决定,他将带着他一生的回忆.

Two undergraduate degree options

  • Bachelor of Business Administration

    120小时的工商管理硕士课程为会计专业的学生在各种会计和商业领域工作做好了准备, tailored to their individual interests.

    Degree requirements & a 4-year plan of study

  • 4+1 BBA & Master of Business Administration

    这个150小时的课程结构使学生获得会计学士学位,然后获得专业会计工商管理硕士学位. 经过精心规划,这两个学位都可以在5年或更短的时间内完成.

    • Early Assurance Program: 符合一定条件的准新生可以提前获得150小时4+1 BBA/MBA课程的保证. 这免除了参加GMAT考试的要求,并使毕业生有资格参加纽约注册会计师考试.

      Details at 4+1 BBA/MBA Early Assurance

A minor in Accounting

For non-majors, 辅修会计为任何打算在银行或金融行业工作的人提供了坚实的基础, 并且可以帮助你加深对金融理论如何被使用和应用的理解.

Requirements for a minor in Accounting

Why study Accounting at St. Bonaventure?

For starters, 我们12:1的师生比例意味着你会从了解你的教授那里得到很多一对一的关注, your interests and your ambitions. But that's not all:

  • AACSB accreditation
    商学院通过了美国高等商学院协会(AACSB International)的认证。, 向家长和学生保证我们符合严格的标准,提供高质量的教育.
  • On-the-job experience through a required internship
    Major accounting firms, including the "Big 4,“积极在校园里招聘实习和全职职位.
    See School of Business Internships
  • Bona graduates are in demand
    来自地区和国家会计师事务所的招聘人员会定期全球网赌十大网站校园,并在他们大二的时候开始确定我们的最佳前景, 经常提供实习机会,为毕业后就业铺平道路.
  • An emphasis on ethics
    我们致力于培养优秀的未来管理者和领导者谁纳入个人尊严的方济各价值观, community inclusiveness, and service to others
  • McQuade Center for Accounting Excellence
    St. Bonaventure's McQuade Center provides scholarships, programming, 教师发展和与教师一起进行教育和研究相关实习的机会.
    See McQuade Center

图表显示高比例的会计毕业生在他们的领域工作 Source: Emsi Data

从2008年至2020年期间189名SBU会计专业毕业生中收集的数据显示,89%的毕业生在该领域就业, and nearly 75% live and work in WNY.

Outcomes & placement rates

Accounting is as much about communication as it is numbers. With your BBA in Accounting from SBU, 您将具备必要的技能来分析复杂的业务挑战,并清楚地传达成功的解决方案.


Learn more at Outcomes & Placement Rates

  • Bona Believers

    The people here are amazing. 你可以感受到这所学校的骄傲,我知道我必须成为它的一部分.

    Patrick Cole, BBA/MBA, '19, '20
    Student Testimonials

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